Have you ever set goals for yourself and wondered why you never seem to reach them or why you seem to loose momentum to actually achieve it. The following 8 Elements of Excellence are a break down of the process towards meeting and achieving what you set out to accomplish… keeping reading to get more insight into each of these elements.

The Vision- to see your goal and keep it in your consciousness.

The Courage-to attempt it and to keep up.

The Grit-to go through it.

The Humility-to know who the Doer is.

The Knowledge-to substantiate it.

The Prayer-to feed it.

The Grace-to carry yourself through it.

The Determination-to achieve it.

First Element Vision

Often we start the year with a vision of change. Things will be better this year, right? But then somewhere along the way in late January (or if we are really trying hard, maybe February), we realize that we have fallen away from what we had started off thinking we really wanted for ourselves. This can leave you feeling defeated, depressed, like a failure, or that your dreams for a healthier life, more confidence, etc. will never happen. Why does this happen and how can I change it? Yogically speaking our brain is wired in such a way that whatever habit we learn, attitude we adopt or believe we were told actually has its own neuro network that keeps us the same. The good news is that with consistent and diligent effort you can change the neuro network and create new ones. The longer you stay consistent with your new thoughts, words and actions, the stronger the new neuro network becomes, allowing the old one to become weaker, ultimately having less of a hold on you. Here are a few tips to keep you on track to holding the vision for yourself:

  • Surround yourself with people that support your new efforts.
  • Clean out your house of anything that doesn’t reflect the new ideal you i.e. If you are looking to eat more whole foods, remove any processed foods, pre-packed stuff, or anything that you can reach for unconsciously when you are experiencing a moment of stress. Or if you are trying to quit smoking and you always have a coffee with your cigarette you may want to also stop drinking coffee.
  • Every time you catch yourself doing or thinking in the old way replace it immediately with your new vision. It would be good to establish clearly in your mind what you look like as this new vision.
  • Take time EVERY day to see yourself living, moving, acting, and being the person you are working on being.
  • Consider making a vision board of words and pictures that reflect back to you your goals. Make sure to place it in a place where you will see it all the time – tucking it away in a closet doesn’t support your efforts.
  • Create a mantra that supports your new vision and repeat it throughout the day. It is important to include positive words that anchor rather than counter your efforts i.e. If you are looking to create more patience for others your mantra might say “I have always been a loving and patient person” or “I breathe in loving kindness. I breathe out peace and joy”.
  • Finally establish a relationship with your breath. The more connection you make with your breath, the more time you allow your mind to recognize an old thought pattern and make the correct choice when dealing with your new vision.

Recognizing that every time you catch yourself falling into an old habit/pattern means that you are aware and present in that moment and can intervene your thought/action/belief. Recognize these little spaces of awareness as success stories rather than fall into the rabbit hole which can spiral out of control – which can lead to the feeling of failure. Wishing you much success in your vision for a healthy, happy and whole life.



The 2nd Element – Courage